iFILL Products
Unmatched Accuracy For Every Dispense
Intellitech's i-FILL & i-FILL Micro
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Headline Coming Soon
Intellitech’s i-FILL line of pumps delivers unmatched and repeatable dispense accuracy over thousands of dispenses for volumes from 100µL to 100mL. The i-FILL pumps utilize a single-use fluid path, available in both sterile and non-sterile conditions. These pumps are tailor-made for bench top, semi-automatic, aseptic filling applications. They can also be integrated into larger filling applications.

i-FILL Micro
Accurate and Repeatable Small Volume Filling
- Highly Accurate and Precise Dispensing
- Qualified for Live-Cell Transfer

Accurate and Repeatable Large Volume Filling
- Highly Accurate and Precise Dispensing
i-FILL Micro
Accurate and Repeatable
Small Volume Filling
Highly Accurate And Precise Dispensing
Qualified For Live-Cell Transfer